The upcoming debut album by Juliet Miranda rOWE
Produced in collaboration with producers GERYON and Martin King.
COLD CALLS is an audio - visual exploration of fear + hope + lust + loss within the age of digital communication
Singer / Songwriter + Animation Director
Juliet is a cross-disciplinary artist, designer, writer and performer predominately working with digital illustration, 2D Animation and motion collage. With a history as a sessional vocalist and backing singer.
Pulling from personal memoir Juliet’s work is filled with heart, humour and horniness.
Musical Producer
Performing under the name GERYON Seth is a musician, producer and composer of electronic hyper-pop.
Their work is an unexpected mix of digital melodies, beats and emotional human expression.
Musical Producer
A solo artist and musician Martin has toured extensively both nationally and internationally alongside with his bands Oscar + Martin and The Harpoons.
Written and developed while navigating: unemployment, social isolation, a shifting online persona, and falling in (and out) of love throughout a global pandemic. COLD CALLS explores our increasingly dependent relationship with phones.
Each track references different ways they connect us to others, the environment, and ourselves: from flexing on social media, ghosting, and sexting; to answering machine messages, research surveys, Centrelink, and the occasional tender conversation.
To call or visit without being asked to do so
All our tracks are still in development but in the meantime here’s our call waiting music.
1:00 MIN
A brief lyrical introduction to the rest of the album: Track 01. "COLD CALLS" plays like a choral call waiting track featuring ROWES layered locals and a collection of answering machine messages.
4:00 MINS
Influenced from Rowe's tenure, operating the phone lines of a research call centre, "SATISFY YOUR LOVE" is an insecure love letter full of pure anxious-attachment.
The lyrics beg a lover for reassurance and validation, capturing the anxiety and mania brought on by falling in love.
If only feedback questionaries were a part of romantic and sexual relationships. So satisfcation could be measured on a quantifably on a scale of 0 -10.
3:00 MINS
Named after a former welfare payment for the Australian unemployed, "Newstart" is a story of chronic dissatisfaction and fatigue from struggling to find sustainable income.
Sung almost as a plea to an unidentified savior, the track tells a story from debilitating debt, to becoming intrenched in hustle culture.
Ultimately loosing a sense of purpose. Or perhaps finding a sense of purpose in the perpetual yearning for resurrection.
2:30 MINS
iLonely explores the sensation of loosing touch with reality as we falling deeper into our vitural personas and environments.
It tells the story of craving sexual connection but dissociating with your surrounds, body and mind to the point where even the fantasy of digital intimacy ceases to bring fulfilment.
4:30 MINS
"CATALOGUE" examines modern societies relationship with the flex culture of a social media. Questioning our insecurities around percieved, what it means to be authentic and performing a personas.
Have we internalised consumer culture and marketing tactics to a point where brands are a part of our identities?
Are we only comfortable exisiting online (our collective memory) as a collection of highly curated images, where we look out best and when our houses looks like catalogues?
An ode to those blocked, unfollowed or deleted from your contacts "SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCE" plays like a haunting spell.
Cast on ex-lovers, friends and estranged family members who have neglected a relationship to the point of no return.
A bitter incantation spun out of the vengeful curiosity of wondering how someone is and whether they still think of you but never succumbing to ask first.
A tribute to Juliet's parents who in place of ending phone conversations with a “Goodbye” or “Love you” say “Ciao Ciao, Take Care”.
A tender track about accepting we don't always hear we want and need from those we love. This closing track is a fantastical tender apology, between Juliet and her mother.
We acknowledge the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation as traditional custodians of the land + waterways on which COLD CALLS was made and that we reside. We pay respect to Elders past, present + emerging. Sovereignty was never ceded. Was, is, always will be Aboriginal land.